
    On the road to a responsible approach!

    Faced with today’s environmental and social challenges, Meanquest is committed to a responsible transformation. We have set up a dedicated team to develop and implement a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, with concrete, forward-looking actions.

    Our ambition is to take concrete action to protect the environment and strengthen our positive impact on our entire ecosystem – from our employees to our customers and partners.

    To mark this important milestone, we brought together all our employees for an inspiring day dedicated to responsible computing, with the support of our partner HPE.

    The day’s programme included the creation of a Digital Fresco and discussions with HPE teams about their Green IT solutions. Here’s a look back at this incredible day, full of captivating exchanges.

    What is the Fresque du Numérique?

    The Fresque du Numérique is a fun, collaborative workshop that takes you to the heart of the environmental challenges posed by digital technology. Working in teams, our employees were able not only to gain a better understanding of the impact of digital technology, but also to discuss and reflect together on concrete actions for a more sustainable future.

    We formed 3 teams and each workshop was led by ‘Resilio’ facilitators, whose mission is to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint the environmental impact of digital technology.

    An Ambitious Green Strategy at HPE

    Our partner HPE has made ambitious commitments to sustainability, with the aim of becoming a carbon-neutral company by 2040. Together, we discussed customer expectations, their strategy and their hardware refurbishment programme.

    Adopting sustainable practices in IT goes far beyond compliance with environmental standards. Many companies that have embraced sustainability are seeing significant benefits. By optimising energy consumption and IT infrastructures, they are improving performance while reducing costs. 83% of managers who have implemented sustainable initiatives report a positive impact on their business, with gains in efficiency and innovation.

    Here are the pillars of HPE’s strategy for achieving its sustainability objectives:

    • Eco-responsible design: All products, from servers to storage, are designed to be more energy efficient.
    • Sustainable supply chain: HPE requires its suppliers to follow the same environmental standards.
    • Tailor-made solutions: HPE helps its customers to adopt sustainable IT infrastructures, in particular with as-a-service offers, which avoid unnecessary oversizing.
    • Responsible End-of-Life Management: HPE focuses on the reuse and recycling of end-of-life equipment to limit its environmental impact. Returning products to the market or recycling them efficiently is essential to reduce e-waste and promote a circular economy.

    It was a day full of exchanges and learning that revealed the importance of using technology more responsibly. Together, we have become aware of our key role as a digital services company and are ready to take action. Each participant left motivated to change their practices, in favour of the planet and a more sustainable future.

    The next steps

    Meanquest management has recognised the urgent need to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices and has committed to defining and implementing a CSR policy. It has therefore appointed a project team whose mission is to define actions capable of producing a real impact in the environmental, social and economic fields.

    This is just the beginning of our CSR approach, and we look forward to sharing the next steps with you.

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