The role of Data Protection Officer (DPO) will, in my opinion, undergo certain changes in the coming years, particularly with the advent of new European regulations related to AI, the DMA (Digital Market Act), the DSA (Digital Service Act), etc. I believe that Switzerland will adapt as it did with the new FADP in response to the arrival of the GDPR, and that the mandatory Data Protection Officer, whether internal or external, will likely be impacted. At sequal, we are already frequently confronted with issues related to the use of AI tools, such as Microsoft Copilot. There is no doubt that these areas will increasingly become part of our daily routine.
The role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) is essential to ensure companies’ compliance with data protection regulations. Their legal and technical expertise, as well as their organizational and interpersonal skills, make them a key player for any organization processing personal data.
If you would like to learn more about the responsibilities of a DPO, the challenges they face, or if you are interested in collaborating to improve your personal data management, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to discuss your needs and support you in your compliance efforts.