sequal PHISHING, the Swiss platform dedicated to phishing campaigns
Sequal Phishing is a Swiss SaaS (Software as a Service) platform specially designed for companies, and in particular for their information security managers (CISO, DPO, etc.). Its aim is to enable companies to test their users against malicious e-mails.
Indeed, information security and cybersecurity are primarily a matter for individuals, given that almost 85% of successful computer attacks are caused by errors, negligence or users who have not been made aware of this type of IT threat.
This solution is at the heart of sequal’s expertise, as we specialize in helping our customers implement best practices in information security, based on the ISO 27001 standard. Indeed, requirement 7.3 and point A.7.2.2 of Appendix A of this standard specifically address the issue of “Information security awareness and training”.
Phishing remains the preferred method for cybercriminals to infiltrate computer systems!
Clicking on a malicious link or downloading a malicious attachment can have far-reaching consequences:
– Access to encrypted data through ransomware
– Data exfiltration
– Theft of personal access
– Industrial espionage
– Financial scams
Key figures for phishing
Over 80% of computer attacks involve phishing
1 in 99 emails is a phishing email
Over 90% of users would fail to detect a sophisticated phishing email
More than 40% of these attacks are president scams (impersonation of senior executives).
0% of sales
The average cost of a successful phishing attack is around 5% of a company’s sales.
Recovery of logins and passwords
Thanks to our e-mail fraud awareness methods, we can assess whether your users are likely to share their passwords with cybercriminals!
Using simulations of official websites, we assess your users’ vigilance before they enter their login details. It is important to note that these identifiers are not transmitted, read or stored on our servers.
3 key steps to sequal phishing
1. Registration
Register your company with sequal phishing
2. first campaign
Start your first phishing campaign once your account has been validated (within 48 hours maximum).
3. campaign report
Get your phishing campaign report and spend time studying it
You can also host the platform in-house!
By working together, we can raise awareness of the risks of phishing.
On the sequal Phishing platform, you can design your own phishing e-mails and make them available to other users. You can also use their models!
Annual license prices
(cost depends on number of users)
Our labels

About us